Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery
Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery
What is Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery?
Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery is not a speciality but an approach of doing a big incision surgery keyhole way without damaging much of healthy tissue. It uses all of advance technologies like high definition camera,LED light, Radiofrequency and much more. If you see a arthroscopy operation theatre its more like a cockpit.There is no blood,All machines.

Arthroscopy Shoulder Surgery is done with small holes. In the procedure, surgeon inserts the arthroscope (a small camera instrument about the size of a pencil) into the Shoulder joint. The arthroscope transfer the inner image to a medical graded monitor. On the monitor, shoulder arthroscopy surgeon can see the every details about Shoulder in great detail.
Planning for Surgery
You will be admitted a day prior.You may need a complete physical examination with your MD doctor before surgery. Consultant will assess health and diagnose if any problems that could interfere with your Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery.
Before Shoulder Dislocation Surgery, tell your orthopedic surgeon at hospital about any medications or supplements that you take. The team at my hospital will guide you for further continuation of this medicine if required.
As a routine doctor will do certain blood examinations,ECG and chest X-ray a day prior.U are kept fasting for 6 hrs.
When you first arrive in operation thetre, a member of the anesthesia team will talk with you. Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery can be performed under regional, or general anesthesia.
Regional anesthesia numbs you below your waist
General anesthesia puts you to sleep
I will make a few small holes in your Shoulder. I use Normal saline to infuse your Shoulder so I can see clearly.
There is a very discipline and defined way of examining the Shoulder joint. After detailed examination first the diagnosis is made and based on that treatment is planned.
The anesthesiologist will help you decide which method would be best for you.
If you have regional anesthesia, you may be able to watch the procedure on a television monitor.
Common arthroscopic procedures include:
Rotator cuff repair
Bone spur removal
Removal or repair of the labrum
Repair of ligaments
Repair for recurrent shoulder dislocation
Less common procedures such as nerve release, fracture repair, and cyst excision can also be performed using an arthroscope. Some surgical procedures, such as shoulder joint replacement surgery, still require open surgery with more extensive incisions.
Those holes are closed with staples,Taps or threads. If you are looking for an Ortho Doctor in Surat then consults with Dr. Krunal Shah at Aastha Joints Clinic. He is a specialist Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgeon in Gujarat who helps to diagnose the patient's condition.